Kemp Elektroniksapos MAXiiMUS PFlexii is a Tachyon Field Generator that maximizes the flow of free electrons and thereby significantly improves the efficiency of the electricity. High voltage lines, radar, or various antennas of digital communications systems, will be blocked regardless their strength. What yours truly can say is that the MAXiiMUS Pcomes at kg and only uses Watt. It also maximizes the flow of free electrons and thereby significantly improves the efficiency of the electricity.
If used close to your AudioVideo system you will notice a much improved audio and video reproduction. The Kemp MAXiiMUS PFlexii Ultimate AV Version is a shunt device that harmonizes electro-smog in your home. Kemp Elektroniks MAXiiMUS PFlexii Ultimate AV Version Listening to your music with and without the Pis a world of difference.
This flow of electrons is caused by the difference in potential between the ionosphere and the earth. The strong Tachyon field in the accumulators inside the MAXiiMUS acts as an antenna which derives electrons from this potential difference and injects them directly into the circuit. MAXiiMUS PMaximization of natural energy The MAXiiMUS derives its energy from the permanent flow of electrons from nature.
Its a tool thats very easy to demonstrate by playing music with and without the Maxiimus P16. We rarely observed this amount of astonishment from our customers. Kemp Elektroniks MAXiiMUS Preview - Mono and Stereo Screening of outer fields.
During last months we demonstrated what the Maxiimus Pcan do to the sound to many of our customers.
New arrival: Kemp MAXiiMUS PFlexii Ultimate AV Version
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